(1) Introduction Nature Basic Concepts and International Conventions
Nature and meaning of Intellectual property, need for protection of right of intellectual property. The types of intellectual property. The types of intellectual property and enhancement of area of I.P. History and introduction to the leading international inststrument concerning intellectual property rights i.e. WIPO (world intellected property organisation) and its paris convention on protection of industrial property (PIP) and patents co-operation treaty (PCT) The Berne (1971) and Rome convention (1961) on copy right. Universal copy right convention (UCC) of 1952, and neighbouring rights and madrid agreement on trade mark registration..
The general agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT) and its creations, World trade organisation (WTO), Uruguay Round (April 1997) and its highly significant instrument "Trade Related intellectual property agreement" (TRIPS).
(2) Copyrights its contents and forms & related act:
Copyrights its history and definition, provisions of Copy-right act 1957 and copyrights (amendment) act 1994 which includes copyright its nature and meaning. Subject matter of copyright, forms of copyrights, ownership of copyrights assignment of copy rights. copyrights as an authors special rights. Notion and criteria of infringment, their definition and exception, proposition relating to infringement, authorisation of infringment, acts not constituting infringment, infringment of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, cimetographic films and sound recording.
Remedies against infringment of copyright nature and kind of re remedies civil and criminal under Copyright Act sec. 55-57, 62, 63-70, slender of title Anton Piller order, international copyrights, copyrights societies and copyright office, copyrights board, legislation of copyright and appeal.
(3) Trade Marks & designs their nature & related acts:
Introduction definition evolution and concept of trade marks, Distriction between trade marks and property works, the doctrine of honest current user and doctrine of deceptive similarity, provisions of The trade mark act 1999, it includes definition and interpretation, condition for registration, trade mark registry. Property in a trade-mark, registration of trade mark, its refusal, Berne principles of registration of trade marks, its procedure and evidence. Marks, not registrable, effect and limit on effect. registered trade work, assignment and transmission of registered trade marks, use of trade mark and registered user, ractification and correction of the registration, collective marks, provisions relating to textile goods, offences, penalties and procedure, appellate board, its constitution, powers and duties and procedures and other miscellaneous provisions of the act, provisions of Design act 2000, it includes following chapter definition, registration of design, copyright in registered design legal proceedings, general powers and duties of controller Evidence agency & powers of central government.
(4) Patents its introduction grant, registration and patents act 1970:
Provisions of Patents act 1970 which includes patents, its introduction concept and history, process of obtaining patents, specification, application for patents, examination of application, position to grant a patent, invention not patentable, register of patents and patent office, register and obligation of a patent. Transfer of patent right, Right of the Govt. in case of use of invention provisions for secracy of certain invention. Patents in addition, procedure for restoration of lapse palents. revocation and surrender of patients. Registeration of patents, patents office, its constitution, controller and its power, infringement of patents and treat of infringement proceedings of officers penalties for the Volation of act. licences of right, compulsory licences patent agent etc. and miscellaneous provision of the act.
(5) The Information Technology Act 2000 and Leading Cases
Provision of ITA 2000, it includes introduction, need, coverage, definition digital signature, electronic record certifying authorities, electronic governance, their regulation, penalties, cyber regulation appellate tribunals under ITA act and following leading cases.
1. Grama phone co. of India v. B.B. Pandey (AIR 1984 SC 667)
2. Indian Performing Right Society Ltd. v. Eastern India Molion pictures association (AIR1977 SC 1443).
3. Monsanto Co. v. Caromandal Idag product (AIR 1986, SC 712).
4. American House Product Corpn. v. Mac Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd. (AIR 1986 SC137) (Dristan Case)
Books Recommended:
1. Parvin Anand The law of Intellactual Property (Batter Worth)
2. Bibek Deb Roy The Intellectual Property Rights (B.R. Publishing, New Delhi)
3. Terrel Law of Patents (Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Concept Studies)
4. P.S. Sanyal & Kishore Singh Indian Patent System
5. Stewart International copyright and neighbouring right.
6. P. Narayanan Intellectual Property Law (Eastern Law House, Kolkata / Delhi, 315/-)
7. Vikas Vashisth Intellectual Property Law (Bharat Law House)
8. Cornish W.R. Intellectual Property Patents, Trade Names, Copyrights and allied rights (1999) (Universal law publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.) Ansal's Dilkhush Industrial Estate, G.T. Karnal Rd., Delhi.
9. W.R. Cornish Intellectual Property (Sweet & Maxwell)
10. Mata Din Law of passing off and infringement action of trade marks.
11. UIE Anderfelt International patent legislation and developing countries.
12. The Patent Act 1970
13. The Design Act 2000
14. The Trade Mark Act 1999
15. The Copyright Act 1957.
16. The Information Technology Act, 2000.
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