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1. Civil Procedure Code 1908

2. Limitation Act, 1963

(1) Civil Procedure Code Historical Background, Introduction, Short Title, Definition, Kinds of Courts and their Jurisdiction, Stay of Suit, Resjudicata, Bar to Further Suit etc. (Ss 1-14), Place of Suing, Institution of Suit, Summons and discovery, Judgment and Decree, Interest and Costs (Ss 15-35-B), Execution Proceedings, Courts by which decree may be executed, Procedure in Execution, Arrest, Detention, Attachment and Sale, Resistance to Execution (Ss 36-74), Incidental Proceedings, Suit in Particular case, Suit by or against the Government, Suit by Aliens and by or against foreign rulers/ambasdors suits against rulers of former Indian States and Interpleader Suit (Ss 75-88), Appeals, Reference, Review and Revision (Ss 96-115), Miscellaneous Proceedings. Application for Restitution, Right to Lodge a Caveat, Power to make-up deficiency of Court fees, Inherent Powers of Courts, Amendment of Judgement, decrees and order and General power to Amend (Ss 144-153).

(2) Parties to Suits, Plaintiff and Defendants, Representative Suit, Joinder, Misjoinder and non- joinder, (Order I Rules 1-13), Frame of Suit, Recognised Agents and Pleader, Institution of Suits, Issue and Service of Summons (Order II V), Pleading Generally. Plaint, Written-Statement, Set-off and Counter-Claim (Order VI-VIII), Appearance of Parties and Consequences of non-appearance, dismissal of suits and ex-party Decree and Order, Examination of Parties by the Court, Discovery and Inspection, Admission, (Order IX-XII), Settlement of Issues and Determination thereof, Summary Disposal, Summoning Attendance and Examination of Witnesses, Adjournment of Hearing and Affidavit (Order XIV-XIX).

(3) Judgement and Decree, Execution of Decrees and Orders, Death, Marriage and Insolvency of Parties. Withdrawal and Adjustment of Suits (Order XX-XXIII), Commission, Suits by or against the Government and Public Officers, Suits Involving a Substaintial Question of Law, Suits by or against Military, Nevel or Airmen, Suits by or against Corporation, Suits by or against Firms, Trustees, Executors and Administrators, Suits by or against Minors and Persons of Unsound Mind, Suits Relating to Matters, Concerning the Family, Suit by Indigent Persons, Suits Relating to Mortgagor, Interpleader Suit (Order XXIV-XXXV), Arrest and Attachment before Judgment, Temporary Injunctions and Interlocutory Order, Appointment of Receiver, Appeal from Original Decrees, Appeal from Appellate Decrees, Appeal from Orders, Appeal by Indingent Persons, Appeal to the Supreme Court, Reference and Review (Order XXXVIII-XLVII).

(4) Limitation Act, 1963 Historical Background, Short Title, Extent, Commencement and Definition (Ss 1-2), Limitation of Suits, Appeals and Applications (Ss 3-11). Computation of Period of Limitation, Exclusion of Time in Legal Proceedings, Effect of Death on or befor the accrual of right to Sue, Effect of Fraud or Mistake, Effect of Acknowledgement in Writing, Effect of Substituting or Adding New Plaintiff or Defendant etc. (Ss 12-24), Acquisition of Ownership by Possession, Acquisition of Easement by Prescription, Reversioner and Extinguishment of Right to Property (Ss 25-27).

(5) Leading Cases

1. P.G.H. Patil Vs. R.S. Patil and others AIR 1957, SC 363.

2. M.P. Shrivastava Vs. Mrs. Veena AIR 1967, SC 1193.

3. Kiran Singh & Others Vs. Chaman Paswan and others AIR 1954, SC 340.

4. State Vs. Administrator AIR 1972, SC 749.

5. Hindustan Auaeronautics Vs. Ajit Prasad AIR 1973, SC 76.

Books Recommended

1. Civil Procedure Code Mulla

2. Civil Procedure Code Viswanath lyer

3. Code of Civil Procedure P.K. Majumdar

4. A Guide to Civil Procedure Code Rama Rao

5. Civil Procedure Code Sarkar

6. Civil Procedure Code M.P. Jain

7 Law of Limitation & Prescription U.N. Mitra

8. Law of Limitation Dr. N.M. Swami

9. Limitation Act Sarkar


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