(1) Introduction, History and Definition of Company, Registration of Corporate Entity, Corporate Veil, Company and Hindu undivided Family, company and Partnership, Club, Association of Persons, Advantages and Disadvantages of Incorporation, Kinds Companies and Application of the Act. Interpretation and Definitions of Various Terms.
(2) Formation of Companies, Promotion, Promotor and his Rights and Liabilities, Incorporation, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, Doctrine of Ultra-Vires, Prospectus, Definition, Contents of Prospectus Punishment for Misrepresentation in the Prospectus, Members of the Company. Members and Shareholders and Public Trustees.
(3) Share and Share Capital, Allotment of Share, Statutory Restriction on Allotment, General Principles as to Allotment, Company which cannot issue prospectus,, Irregular Allotment, Return as to Allotment, Issue of Share at Discount, Underwriting Commission, Brokerage, Issue of Share at Premium, Share Capital: Definition, Nature of Share Certificate, Position of Transferor and Transferee, Procedure, Blank Transfer, Right to Refuse Registration, Restriction on the Acquisition and Transfer of Share, Certificate of Transfer, Kinds of Share, Power of Company to Accept Payment in Advance of Calls. Reserve Liability, Alteration of Capital Reorganization of Share Capital. Reduction of Capital, Share Warrant. Directors, Position of Directors. Appointment, Powers and Duties of Directors, Other Office Bearers of the Company.
(4) Dividend, Debenture, Accounts and Audit, Borrowing Powers of the Company, Investment and Contract, Majority Powers and Minority Rights and Rule of Foss and Harbottle, Mismanagement and Reonedies Compromise. Arrangement, Reconstruction and Amalgamation, Investigation and Liquidation and Consequences of Winding up of the Companies.
(5) Leading Cases
1. Saloman Vs. Soloman and Company Ltd., 1897, PC 22.
2. Income Tax Commissioner Vs. Shri Meenakshi Mills, A.I.R., 1967, SC 819.
3. Nareshchand Vs. Calcutta Stock Exchange Association AIR 1971, SC 422.
4. N. Goverdhandas & Company Vs. N.W. Industries Pvt. Ltd. AIR 1971, SC 2600.
5. Official Liquidator Vs. P.A. Tandolkar AIR 1973, SC 1104.
6. R. Methlone Vs. Bombay Life Insurance Corporation Ltd. AIR 1953, SC 195.
भारत में कंपनी विधि के इतिहास का संक्षिप्त वर्णन कीजिए।
Write a brief account of history of Company Law in India.
कंपनी की परिभाषा बताइए। एक कंपनी के निगमन के वैध लाभ बताइए।
Define the Company. Discuss the legal advantage of incorporation of a company.
प्राइवेट व पब्लिक कंपनी की विशेषताएँ बताकर अंतर स्पष्ट कीजिए।
Give the characteristics of Private and Public company giving the distinction between them.
संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी लिखिए- Write short notes
(i) विदेशी कंपनी Foreign Company
(ii) अंशों का आबंटन Allotment of shares
(iii) कंपनी के पार्षद सीमा नियम Memorandum of a company
(iv) कंपनी विधि बोर्ड के अधिकार Powers of Company Law Board
लाभांश व डिबेन्चर की परिभाषा देकर अंतर स्पष्ट कीजिए।
Give the definition of Dividend and Debenture. Write down the distinction between dividend and debenture.
संप्रवर्तक किसे कहते हैं? संप्रवर्तक के कर्त्तव्य और दायित्व क्या- क्या हैं?
Who is Promoter? What are the duties and powers of a promoter in. Company Law?
एक बीमार कंपनी से आप क्या समझते हैं? कंपनी अधिनियम में बीमार कंपनी के पुनर्जीवन व पुनर्वास के क्या प्रावधान हैं?
What do you know about a sick company? What are the provisions provided in Company Law for its revival and rehabilitation?
सालोमन विरुद्ध सालोमन वाद को संदर्भित करते हुए कम्पनी के निगमन की प्रक्रिया का वर्णन कीजिए।
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