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Showing posts from October, 2024



(A) GENERAL BACKGROUND & HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE 1. Historical Development and concept of Human Right 2. Meaning and definition of Human Rights 3. Theories of Human Rights 4. Kinds and Classification of Human Rights 5. Human Right in India ancient, medieval and modern concept rights 6. Human Right in Western tradition Concept of natural law and natural rights 7. Concept of natural law and natural rights.  (B) INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS 1. Evolution of the concept of Human Rights  2. Sources of International Human Rights Law 3.  Protection and implementation of Human Rights under the U.N.O. Charter  4. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948-Importance of declaration, Legal  Effect and influence of the Universal Declaration  5. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966 6 . International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 7. Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. 8.  Convention on the rights of


(1) Principles and Legislation - Law Making Legislature, Executive and Judiciary, Principle of Utility, Operation of these Principles upon Legislation, Distinction between Morals and Legislation.  INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES-  Introduction, Meaning, Commencement, Operation and Repeal of Statutes, Purpose of Interpretation of Statutes Classification of Statutes. (2) GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION- Primary Rules, Literal Rule, Golden Rule, Mischief Rule (Rule in the Hydon's Case) Rule of Harmonious Construction. Secondary Rules, Noscitur a Soclis, Ejusdem Generis, Reddendo Singula Singulis, Utres Magis Valeat Quam Pereat, Contemporanea Expositio est Fortissima in Lege. PRESUMPTIONS IN STATUTORY INTERPRETATION-  Presumption as to Jurisdiction, Presumption Against inconvenient or Absurd, Presumption Against Intending Injustice, Presumption Against Impairing Obligations or Permitting from One's Own Wrong, Prospective Operation of Statutes. (3) AIDS TO INTERPRETATION & MAXI


(A) INTRODUCTION: a) Definition and Concept of International Law, Object of International Law, Nature and Origin and development of International Law, b) Sources of International Law, Codification of International Law Relationship between international and Municipal law and difference between Public International law and Law of conflicts subjects of PIL. c) Relationship between international and Municipal law and difference between Public International law and Law of conflicts, subjects of Public International Law (B) GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW a) State its nature, evolution, and criteria of statehood, Recognition of States and Governments, Meaning and theory of Recognition, Mode of Recognition and legal effects of Recognition, Acquisition and Loss of State Territory b) State Succession-Its kinds and Principles of State Succession, Effect of Succession, State Jurisdiction and State Responsibility, Nationality, Extradition, Asylum, Diplomatic Agents and Treaties C) Law of t


(INDIAN COMPANY ACT, 2013 (18th of 2013) WITH AMENDMENTS) (1) Introduction, History and Definition of Company, Registration of Corporate Entity, Corporate Veil, Company and Hindu undivided Family, company and Partnership, Club, Association of Persons, Advantages and Disadvantages of Incorporation, Kinds Companies and Application of the Act.   Interpretation and Definitions of Various Terms. (2) Formation of Companies, Promotion, Promotor and his Rights and Liabilities, Incorporation, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, Doctrine of Ultra-Vires, Prospectus, Definition, Contents of Prospectus Punishment for Misrepresentation in the Prospectus, Members of the Company. Members and Shareholders and Public Trustees. (3) Share and Share Capital, Allotment of Share, Statutory Restriction on Allotment, General Principles as to Allotment, Company which cannot issue prospectus,, Irregular Allotment, Return as to Allotment, Issue of Share at Discount, Underwriting Commission, Bro