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Book References in Labour Law II

1. H.K. Sharey - Industrial & labour laws in India (Prenctice-Hall) New Delhi.

2. I.A. Sayieed Labour laws, Himalyan Publishing Co. Nagpur

3. Reshma Arora Labour law, Himalyan Publishing Co. Nagpur 4. S.K. Mishra Labour and Industrial law Allahabad law agency H.N. 387, Sector 16-A Faridabad.

5. Taxmann Labour laws - Bare Act (Taxmann allied series, Allahabad)

6. S.C. Shrivastava Treatise on social security and labour laws EBC Lucknow.

9. Seth D.D. Commentaries on Industrial Act (Law publishing house Allahabad) 10. K.D. Shrivastava - Commentary of payment of wages act (1998) EBC Lucknow.

7. S.N. Mishra Labour & Industrial laws CLA Allahabad. 

8 P.L. Malik Hand Book of Labour and Industrial laws, EBC Lucknow.

9 V.G. Goswami - Labour and Industrial laws, CLA Allahabad.

10. O.P. Malhotra The law of Industrial Disputes (1998) Universal Delhi.

11. P.K. Padhi-Labour and Industrial Laws, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.


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